Thursday, October 22, 2015

Change your thoughts, change your world

Tonight was absolutely magical! First, I had the opportunity to spend this magnificent evening with perhaps the 2 funniest comedic genius' in the world; John Cleese & Eric Idle at the Cobb Energy Center.
It was absolutely brilliant! The 1st half of the show consisted of them sitting on some red velvet high back wing chairs on stage telling stories about how they all got started, peppered with funny little anecdotes, stories, & the occasional friendly jab at Michael Palin or Terry Gilliam. It was truly fascinating to be able to hear the genesis of HOW the great Monty Python group met each other & organically came to work together from the men themselves! The story is truly unique and they were able to break comedy boundaries that would it have been any other time, not been possible. They were certainly the 1st all writer group who were also the cast of their own comedy show. They were given pretty much free range to do whatever they wanted, no studio or executives breathing down their neck and censoring each moment. And what transpired was magic! I've watched certain sketches from them hundreds of times and I laugh just as hard, if not harder every single time. Here are two of my FAVS:

The Four Yorkshiremen

Argument Clinic


Anyhow, after this wonderful evening, on my way home I took the exit off the Buford Hwy access road by Atlanta Fire Rescue Station #29. As I'm passing Midtown Bowl, I notice something......THE ROAD IS NOW COMPLETELY FREE OF POTHOLES! There is smooth flat black asphalt under my tires for the 1st time on this particular stretch of road! AMAZING GRACE! Now, join me as I go back in time for a minute...
About a week ago, I was traveling this same path, as I do everytime I return to my intown sanctity from OTP. I remember saying out loud something along the lines of "I really wish they would pave this road! There are so many potholes and I don't think they've EVER done it, not that I remember, and I've been living intown since 1997! I mean seriously, how come in 20+ years they had never done it, at least to my recollection, I could be wrong, however, either way, I know it has definitely been quite awhile since it was last paved"

So there have been so many other seemingly random "coincidental" things happening lately, that I truly believe that SOMEHOW, at that moment, when I said out loud with PASSION & conviction that I wanted the road re-paved, my thought made it happen. I mean, seriously, the road is literally only paved until you get to Piedmont Rd and it stops. STOPS. I know, I know, it sounds unreal...however, IT IS REAL! And it did happen. And maybe it was me, maybe it was in the works all along, however, either way, I choose to believe in MIRACLES and I witnessed ONE TODAY!

Spread a little joy 
Do everything with kindness
 ♥ Live ♥ Love 
- Norman Vincent Peale -

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